Take a look at some of the exceptional work illion Digital Tech Solutions has undertaken for its clients and how self-service and multi-channel payments can revolutionise the collections process.

Early Stage Collections

An ilion Digital Tech Solutions case study

In this illion Digital Tech Solutions case study, we explore the opportunities presented by the growing adoption of digital wallets at the bill payment stage of pre-arrears or early arrears collections.



illion Digital Tech Solutions provided a new payment channel for telecommunications company O2 and delivered 27% of early arrears payments after 12 months.

Pay by SMS


illion Digital Tech Solutions helped O2 to devise and launch ‘Pay by SMS’, a ground-breaking PCI compliant collections process.

Early Stage Collections

Vodafone UK

illion Digital Tech Solutions helped Vodafone to reduce collections OPEX costs and reduce involuntary churn from new customers.

Early Stage Collections

UK Energy Retailer

illion Digital Tech Solutions helped a leading UK energy retailer to improve the early stage collections rate and increase the volumes of cash collected earlier in the process.

WebPay and Inbound Voice

City of Parramatta Council

illion Digital Tech Solutions worked with City of Parramatta Council to introduce automated, self-service touch points into the collections process.

Early Stage Collections

Australian Telecommunications Provider

One of Australia’s largest telecommunications companies needed to drastically reduce rising late payments costs and streamline its processes.